Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

internet dan intranet

dimaksud dengan internet? Sebagian orang lebih mengenal internet adalah pencarian google, Nah untuk itulah blog HargaiKataKu ingin berbagi informasi tentang pengertian internet dan intranet.

Sebenarnya google hanyalah salah satu dari sekian banyak mesin pencari didunia, Di Indonesia sendiri google memang menjadi no.1 mesin pencari yang paling banyak digunakan untuk mencari informasi melalui jaringan internet. Jumlah pengguna Internet yang semakin berkembang, telah mewujudkan budaya Internet, Internet saa ini telah berkembang pesat dan mempunyai pengaruh yang besar atas ilmu serta pandangan dunia. Dibanding dengan buku yang berada di perpustakaan, Internet melambangkan penyebaran ( decentralization ) atau pengetahuan ( knowledge ) informasi dan data secara ekstrem.

Kembali lagi ke topik pembahasan mengenai apakah Internet dan Intranet itu? Inilah pengertian internet & intranet menurut situs wikipedia.

Pengertian Internet dan Intranet

Pengertian Internet
Internet adalah kependekan dari interconnection-networking yang berarti seluruh jaringan komputer yang saling terhubung menggunakan standar sistem global Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Suite ( TCP/IP ) sebagai protokol pertukaran paket ( packet switching communication protocol ) untuk melayani miliaran pengguna di seluruh dunia.

Intranet merupakan sebuah jaringan privat ( private network ) yang menggunakan protokol-protokol Internet (TCP/IP), untuk membagi informasi rahasia perusahaan atau operasi dalam perusahaan tersebut kepada karyawannya. Kadang-kadang, istilah intranet hanya merujuk kepada layanan yang terlihat, yakni situs web internal perusahaan. Untuk membangun sebuah intranet, maka sebuah jaringan haruslah memiliki beberapa komponen yang membangun Internet, yakni protokol Internet (Protokol TCP/IP, alamat IP, dan protokol lainnya), klien dan juga server. Protokol HTTP dan beberapa protokol Internet lainnya (FTP, POP3, atau SMTP) umumnya merupakan komponen protokol yang sering digunakan.

Secara garis besar sebuah intranet dapat kita pahami sebagai sebuah jaringan internet pribadi yang dimiliki oleh sebuah kelompok atau organisasi.

Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Perbedaan RGB & CMYK

Perbedaan RGB dan CMYK 

· Red Green Blue (merah, hijau, biru)
· RGB merupakan warna-warna primer yang digunakan pada monitor
· Jadi RGB lebih digunakan untuk desain yang nantinya ditampilkan ke media layar monitor
· Jika warna RGB di campur semua, akan menghasilkan warna putih
· Cyan Magenta Yellow Black (orang awam bilang biru, merah, kuning dan hitam )
· CMYK merupakan warna-warna primer yang paling banyak digunakan pada printer
· CMYK lebih digunakan untuk desain yang nantinya ditampilkan ke media cetak
· Jika warna CMY di campur semua, akan menghasilkan warna hitam

Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

kaisar hiro hito


Japanese Emperor Hirohito was born on April 29, 1901, in Tokyo, Japan. Installed as the crown prince at age 15, he was Japan's longest-reigning monarch, ruling from 1926 to 1989. During World War II, he led Japan's military and the country's surrender to the Allied Forces in 1945. After the war, the new constitution drafted by the United States transformed Japan into a constitutional monarchy so that sovereignty lay with the people instead of the emperor. Hirohito died in Tokyo on January 7,


Early Life

Japan's longest-reigning monarch, Emperor Hirohito, was born Michinomiya Hirohito on April 29, 1901, in the Ayoma Palace in Tokyo, Japan, the first son of Crown Prince Yoshihito (later Emperor Taisho) and Princess Sadako (later Empress Teimei). As a child, Hirohito was separated from his parents, as was custom, and given an imperial education at the Gakushuin School (also known as the Peers School). He later attended a special institute for the crown prince, which conditioned him to become emperor, and was formally given the title of crown prince on November 2, 1916. Not long after, in 1921, he became the first crown prince of Japan to travel abroad and study.
In November 1921, shortly after his return to Japan, Hirohito was appointed acting ruler of Japan due to his father's failing health. On January 26, 1924, he married Princess Nagako (later Empress Nagako), a distant cousin of royal blood. The couple would eventually have seven children.

Japanes Emperor

On December 25, 1926, following the death of his father, Hirohito succeeded him as emperor, taking the 124th Chrysanthemum Throne. He was given the title "Showa" ("Enlightened Peace"), and was formally known as Showa Tenno.
Shortly after Hirohito's induction as emperor, Japan found itself in a state of unrest. While his reign saw an incredible amount of political turmoil, he remained a gentle man with little influence over the military and it's politics. Soon, the military began to revolt, resulting in the assassination of many public officials, including Prime Minister Tsuyoshi Inukai.
Hirohito was a reluctant supporter of the occupation of Manchuria, which led to the second Sino-Japanese War. Japan's military susbequently became more aggressive and implemented policies reflecting that stance, which eventually led to Japan's involvement in World War II, beginning with the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hirohito was said to be unenthusiastic about Japan's involvement in WWII, but was often pictured in military uniforms to show his support.
In September 1945, following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Hirohito broke the precedent of imperial silence and announced Japan's unconditional surrender to the Allied Forces. Japan lost 2.3 million soldiers and an estimated 800,000 civilians in WWII, and General Douglas MacArthur, chief of the U.S. Army, was sent to Japan to oversee the country's rehabilitation. Japan found itself occupied by the United States, who introduced the country to democratic reforms.

While many wanted Hirohito to be tried as a war criminal, MacArthur made a bargain with the emperor that included the implementation of a new Japanese constitution and the denouncement of imperial "divinity." Thusly, Hirohito became Japan's first democrat. By playing this role, the emperor was finally able to lead his country into political and financial stability.


Final Years

Until his death, Hirohito remained an active figure in Japan, even after his divinity was revoked. He acted as head of state and played an import role in rebuilding Japan's image to the rest of the world. He also focused on his love of marine biology, a subject on which he wrote several books.
On January 7, 1989, Hirohito died of cancer at the place of his birth: Tokyo's Ayoma Palace.


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